When I think of you, I think of the scale

that I tip every time I pour water

out of my overflowing cup

You are the scale, you are the light,

and I am a tree, I’m a crown of a tree

you are a beacon on the treetop

I thrive in the brightness of your flame

I give you oxygen to keep burning

and when I think of you, I see no hatred

I see you know strife

I see just love and I’m trying

to grow taller and larger

So I can give you more air

give more for your fire,

so you can keep providing light

to the rest of the world

And there’s only one vision I have

at this point for us

and it’s not necessarily

Some children at home

but it’s applauding each other

choosing each other

as we receive our accolades

for achieving what we’re meant to do in our lives

I’m on a stage

being celebrated for giving my breath

and you are shining brightly

In this theater

You’re shining on me and all I see is the sun

It’s your eternal flame

All I’m doing is giving you more words

Too much of me,

and you burn too hot and too quickly

Too much of you,

and I dry up and whither through

That’s why your sense

of balance

is key to us

Where is the remorse for burning me?

But also, I need you to grow.

I need you to remind me like you do

that if I pour all my water out of my cup onto you,

you’ll tip out a balance.

I need to learn how to give you just enough and give the world the rest

and I need you to learn how to give me enough light so I can keep growing tall

You’re not meant to shine on the rock

You’re meant to shine on the green

A rock will simply absorb all your light, and give nothing back

And maybe you reject this vision of truth

because growth is uncomfortable and accepting fate and surrendering, too.

It is uncomfortable and scary,

but so is being complacent

and not doing what you were put on this earth to do.

But I remember the moments

in which we both surrendered

remember, every moment

in which we melted into one another,

perfectly balanced to give each other life

and especially the first time

when I saved yours